Compression Testing: Ideal for materials like concrete, ceramics, insulation, foam, and cartons, compression testing is crucial for industries requiring high accuracy and reliability. Our range of compression testing machines and accessories ensures quick and precise evaluations for both production and research applications.

Flexural Testing (Bend Testing): Essential in industries where materials undergo bending forces, flexural testing is used for structural steels, concrete beams, ceramic tiles, and more. Testometric provides a comprehensive range of 3 and 4 point bend fixtures, displacement systems, and advanced software for accurate flexural testing.

Universal Strength Testing: For industries requiring a combination of tensile, compression, and flexural testing, or complex testing configurations, our universal testing machines are the ideal solution. Unlike other machines that only offer bi-directional testing, Testometric’s universal strength testers feature precision digital controls and advanced software, enabling thorough and accurate testing procedures.

At Federal India Trading Company, we are dedicated to delivering top-quality Testometric products that meet the highest standards of precision and reliability.